My Values
It’s important as a therapist to hold a neutral position of curious exploration when moving through issues with a patient. Not judging someone’s subjective experience and leaving room for how things like culture might impact their experience is imperative for true understanding. However, it is important to me as a therapist and as a human in this world to not be neutral or opaque when it comes to my values. Additionally, it is important to me as a white, cis gender woman to not hide my values just because of my privilege.
As an anti-racist, it is important to me to address all forms of racist behavior, both overt and covert (i.e. microaggressions). I am an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community and am body positive and sex positive.It is essential that all of these issues be on the table and to be openly talked about in the therapeutic relationship. When exploring romantic and sexual relationships, it is important to include conversations about sex and sexuality in both individual and couples therapy. I am well-versed in issues related to polyamory, BDSM and kink.
I am committed to ongoing growth and development, not just as a therapist but as a human. It is important to me to try and strike a balance between positioning myself as a learner while not relating to others as being responsible to educate me. I am committed to providing leadership in the therapy room around these issues, while leaving room for each individual's unique experience.